25 Why does a compiled program show warnings.24 How do I get help for a specific package.23 Why text appears only after hitting space.21 How can I access device storage with Termux.

19 Repositories are down and return 403 404 errors.

18 How can I keep my data when reinstalling Termux.17 Why Termux add-ons on Google Play are paid even though their sources are on GitHub.16 Why app from F-Droid cannot be installed.15 Where are Metasploit and Hydra packages.14 Can I hack a social media with Termux.12 What are advantages of root in Termux.8 Can Termux be installed on the external storage.7 Why my Termux is 32bit while CPU supports 64bit.6 Why does ps not show Android processes.5 Why does htop or netstat not work on my device.VSCodium exists to make it easier to get the latest version of MIT-licensed VS Code. If you want to build from source yourself, head over to Microsoft’s vscode repo and follow their instructions. These binaries are licensed under the MIT license. This project includes special build scripts that clone Microsoft’s vscode repo, run the build commands, and upload the resulting binaries for you to GitHub releases. The VSCodium project exists so that you don’t have to download+build from source. Therefore, you generate a “clean” build, without the Microsoft customizations, which is by default licensed under the MIT license When you clone and build from the vscode repo, none of these endpoints are configured in the default product.json.

We clone the vscode repository, we lay down a customized product.json that has Microsoft specific functionality (telemetry, gallery, logo, etc.), and then produce a build that we release under our license. When we build Visual Studio Code, we do exactly this. According to this comment from a Visual Studio Code maintainer: Microsoft’s vscode source code is open source (MIT-licensed), but the product available for download (Visual Studio Code) is licensed under this not-FLOSS license and contains telemetry/tracking.